Rent a Room, Learn to Code

Learn web development where you live without quitting your job.
Take the risk out of learning web development. Rent a room in my house and I'll act as your mentor, guiding your learning until you've reached your goals, whether that be employment or bringing an idea to life.

Email Me for Availability

Collaborative Learning Environment

Guided Learning

Studying web development is hard when you're alone. Enjoy the journey with a mentor that'll remove much of the uncertainty and confusion that comes from learning in isolation.

No More Frustration

Getting stuck usually means posting to a forum and waiting days or weeks for a response. Remove these roadblocks and accelerate your learning by living in a house full of programmers.

Transition To a New Career

Take the guess work out of your path to that entry level job and move forward with the confidence that all your efforts are contributing to your development and employability.

My Story

I'm an application engineer for a late stage healthcare start up here in Austin, TX. I build daily in Ruby on Rails, Javascript and Ember. I trouble shoot application errors and create high use public features as well as key internal tools. But just 3 short years ago I was a pedicabber with no clear career path or marketable skill set.

I began learning to code online through codecademy and with the encouragement of my roommate who had a C.S. degree I decided to change my future and become a developer.

After 9 months of individual study and a 3 month bootcamp I made the transition from aspirant to junior developer. This accomplishment is one of the most pivotal and important of my life and now I'd like to help others do the same!

What You'll Learn

We'll sit down together to discuss your goals and create a road map with a timetable to accomplish them.

I will direct you towards relevant study material and then act as your tutor helping you progress towards your objectives.

The house is structured so that there will be a study period in the evenings where I'll explicitly make myself available to all housemates for tutoring and then I'll schedule one hour a week with each roommate for one on one mentoring.

As you advance we'll pair program together on your projects as well as mine so you get exposure to production level code complexity.


Ruby on Rails



SQL Databases

The House

2 Bedrooms with shared Bath

1 Bedroom with private Bath

Community Pool

Close to McKinney Falls

The Cost

Rent: Month to Month with no Long Term Obligation.

Deposit: One Months Rent as Deposit.

Commitment: 30 days notice before moving. Once you land that job you're after feel free to move out or stay a couple months and recieve support as you adjust to the life of a professional developer.

Private Room with a Shared Bath: $1000/month

Private Room with a Private Bath: $1200/month

Are you ready to move into DevHouseATX?

Send me an email telling me a little bit about your background in programming and why you think you'd be a good fit.
From there we can chat over the phone or meet up for coffee and see if we'd enjoy being roommates and working together.